Spoilers & News > One Piece Spoilers > One Piece 664 spoilers [MH Confirmed] [Predictions&Discussions]

One Piece 664 spoilers [MH Confirmed] [Predictions&Discussions]

04.04.2012 20:07

One Piece 664 spoilers!!!   One Piece 664  Predictions and Discussions !!!    One Piece 663  has been released now!!!

One Piece 664 Spoilers Summaries:

扉絵カラー ??メリーに乗り銃撃戦をする麦わら一味の男達

タシギの記憶ではこのあたりの海で子供の誘拐が多発してたらしい。スモやんはそんな話はしらないとシャツの ボタン全開で話す。
G5には誘拐事件の通報が良く入るが新聞の記事に成るころには海難事故や失踪事件、海賊事件に変わっていた 。 G5に裏切り者が居るかもと言うがスモやんがそれを否定。お前ら見てえなバカ疑う価値もな いと。
三分の一の部下は島からでてこの事を報告しに行けと言う。船は盗めと。スモやんは島の黒幕を暴 くと言う。

裏切り者と言われていた男はJOKER  シーザーが誰かと電話し、殺しの許可が出たと言う。麦わらでもG 5でも、狐火の錦えもんでも死んだら近海での事故にしてくれるそうだ。
シーザーは捕まえられる奴は捕まえてこい。相手は4億だから無理するなと言う。モネが金額以上の実力かもね と注意を促す。
茶ひげの部下がシーザー茶ひげは掴まった助けてくれとお願いする。先に部下を新しい薬で直すと言うシーザー 。

麦わら達の世代のルーキー達を世間では最悪の世代。 茶ひげの海賊団をバラしたのはホーキンス
ホーキンスに両足を奪われ海賊をできなくなりたどり着いたのがPH。ここは一部の囚人が連れてこられ人体実 験されていた。4年前の爆発で政府は囚人を置き去りにして島を封鎖してしまった。
残った囚人も神経ガスのせいで下半身の自由を奪われたがシーザーに出会い部下として受け入れられた。シーザ ーは救いの神だと言う。ローが数か月前島に来て改造をしてもらいケンタウロスになったらしい。
ドラゴンは狂暴だから出会ったら逃げた方が良いと言う茶ひげ。ゾロは分かったと言う(食ったけど????? )茶ひげは麦わら達も実験体になると言う。

元政府の科学者 懸賞金3億 ガスガスの実の能力者



Tashigi recalls that there seem to have been a lot of kidnappings in this area.

Smoker didn’t know that and speaks after opening all the buttons on his shirt (?). There are often reports of kidnappings that come in to G5 but by the time they make it to the papers, the stories have changed to those of shipwrecks, disappearances, or pirate incidents. Smoker denies that there could be a traitor in G5. I don’t doubt the merit of you idiots.

The traitor is JOKER Caesar is talking with someone on the phone. He gets permission to kill. The strawhats, G5, whoever, it will seem like they died in an accident on the nearby fire sea.

Caesar says to capture those who can be captured. But don’t kill yourself trying, considering that the enemy is a 400m bounty. Monet warns that his true power might even not be reflected in the bounty.
Brownbeard’s underlings beg Caesar to save Brownbeard. Caesar says that, before that, he’ll fix them up with a “new medicine.”

Usopp has made masks for the switched crew members, to better remember who they are.
Brownbeard says that Law is coming to save him.

He says that the Strawhats’ generation of rookies are the worst sort of plague on the world. The one who broke up Brownbeard’s crew was Hawkins.

He arrived on PH after having both his legs snatched away by Hawkins. Prisoners had been brought her to be experimented on, but the government abandoned the prisoners after the explosion 4 years ago and barricaded the place up.

The remaining prisoners lost the use of their legs due to nerve gas but were accepted by Caesar as his subordinates. They call him a savior god. Law came a few months ago and remodeled them into centaurs.
Brownbeard says it would be best to run away if they encounter the rampaging dragon.

Caesar gave some medicine to some other subordinates, but that ended in failure with an explosion.
The incident 4 years ago was his fault.

He’s a former scientist of the government with a bounty of 300m. Gas gas fruit power user.
I’ll show the world who’s the number one scientist! he says.

Smoker says it’ll be bad if Caesar isn’t stopped.
End of  One Piece 664 Spoilers.

Other parts:

It seems that people who’ve seen Moria, as well as Bonney herself, are imprisoned.
BB’s powers have probably increased over the two years.
We don’t know where Kuzan is.

PS : bad news : no chapters next week.

One Piece 663  summary :

 Luffy is excited to see his savior, but Law merely rebuts his thanks. Tashigi attacks in revenge for Smoker, but is handily defeated and has her heart swapped with Smoker's. Sanji, Franky, Nami, and Chopper, meanwhile, try to make sense of their situation and meet up with Luffy and the others while Smoker describes the presence of Caesar Crown, who was a colleague of Vegapunk.

 One Piece 664 Trivia: Tashigi’s art style has changed greatly throughout the series. On her first appearance, she looks like Kuina but during the Whitebeard War saga, her art style has become more distinct.

 Come across, Luffy and Law. Fight? No,but thanks.


Again, Law exchanges Tashigi’s and Smoker’s hearts. Then Law runs away and tells Luffy that his companions are in the house.


Sanji is going crazy after he finds he is in Nami’s body. Nami is going crazy, too. She just wants to kill Sanji, but it is her own body.

The warrior is a devil fruit user?! The ability is interesting, which can disguise everyone he wants.  



Finally, Nami can not bear it anyone. She gives her own body a good beating. Haha, warrior gets back his body, he is very happy but it looks a little weird. Do not you guys think so. Luffy…..that’s not hindlegs of yours.



 Tashigi? No!  Yes, She is Smoker!! 





The scientist “Ceasar Clown”!!!!!      What is going to happen????    Keep your eyes on  One Piece 664 , keep your eyes on Mangahere!!!



   If you would like to discuss the Spoilers or predictions, please leave a comment below.  Your Feedback is Greatly Appreciated, but NO SPAM here is more expecting and also for our benefits. Thanks for your support.




One Piece 664  spoilers is not avaliable yet, we will update it as soon as it comes out!!!


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