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Fairy Tail 392 spoilers[Predictions & Discussion]

07.04.2014 15:19

Fairy Tail 392 spoilers!!! Fairy Tail 392 Predictions and Discussions !!! Fairy Tail 391 has been released now!!

Fairy Tail 391 "Gray vs. Silver" Summary:

Rushing at Deliora, Gray attacks him with his ice, but his attack is thrown back at him; Deliora uses this opportunity to push Gray away, but Gray comes back with his Ice-Make: Cold Excalibur, though Deliora, as the Ice Devil Slayer, devours Gray's spell and chides him for using ice against an Ice Slayer, revealing that he learned Ice Devil Slayer Magic for the sole purpose of destroying everything to do with Ur. Concurrently, Keith reveals to Juvia that for his ability to wield Devil Slayer Magic, Deliora was appointed to the Nine Demon Gates; Juvia asks why Mard Geer would appoint a Mage that can slay his own kind would be allowed into a guild full of them. Keith responds by saying that it may have been Mard Geer's way of keeping the rest of Tartarus in check, or it may have just been a whim, but adds that regardless, he has been recognized by the Underworld King.

Back at their battle, Deliora slices Gray's body with his Devil Slayer Magic and taunts him, stating that he's always wished to see Gray's face twisted in agony, adding that he'll go after Lyon next before killing all of Gray's friends. Angered that Deliora is using his father's body and voice for everything, Gray attacks with his Ice Impact, but Deliora devours the spell and counters with his Ice Devil's Rage, laughing maniacally at Gray's pain. Struggling to get up, Gray remembers his father's words about getting strong and swears to destroy Deliora with his own hands; Deliora responds that Gray has zero chance of winning because ice doesn't work against him. Creating a cannon, Gray fires rubble at Deliora, which proves to be effective. After repeated bombardments, Deliora freezes their entire battle area, ultimately stopping Gray's attack and rendering further ones of a similar nature useless.

Taking a look at his frozen surroundings, Gray listens as Deliora tells him that further typless attacks will be impossible to perform, but responds that the Demon Gate has dug his own grave. Answering Deliora's curiosity, Gray tells him that just like at the Sun Village, he can reshape and redirect the Devil Slaying ice through his body. As Deliora questions what he means, Gray reminds him that the exception to a Slayer Mage's immunity to their respective element is their element produced via their own Magic. Redirecting Silver's ice back at him, Gray calls for the Demon to disappear; Deliora emerges from the attack without much further injury and tells Gray that even though he cannot eat his own ice, ice in general is still ineffective against him. Towering over the Ice-Make Mage, Deliora asks Gray if he's remembered the terror that he can bring.


what do you think about ch 391?






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Fairy Tail 392 spoilers is not avaliable yet, we will update it as soon as it comes out!!!


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