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Bleach 494 spoilers [MH Confirmed] [Predictions & Discussions]

05.23.2012 09:05

Bleach 494 Spoilers!!!  Bleach 494  Prediction and Discuss!!! 

Bleach 493 has been released now!!!


Bleach 493 Light of Happiness summary:


  After reading bleach 493, there come out 2 informations. First, Captain goes to the final form. Second, the war between quincy and soul society finally breaks out.

Alon is a powerful master, of course. And I think he reall did a good job. Even he can not defeat Captain. He is succeed leading out Captain's final form. That means it is Ichigo's time now. And the battle between them is going to be ending. You know, a man who first gives out his final power. That means he is going to be a failure. The question is how much power does it take that Ichigo should use. And this battle may be a vane. It is important for the later battle when Ichigo meets other quincys. The secend is, the quincys' master is appear in the air. And he is inside of the shakonmaku. That means quincy need not attack from outside the door. They are dangerous now. The power, the form, many things are still unknown to soul society. The war is different than the former one now. It is really difficult for soul society.

Bleach 494 Trivia: While Ryūken scorns his status as a Quincy, he appears to still acknowledge it as his hospital and tie have blue crosses all over them, an obvious reference to his Quincy heritage.

Game over, Alon. But you lead his final power. Ichigo, it is your time now.

Looks very powerful. But a little disgusting.

Here you go, Ichigo, kick his ass. 

The war is breaking out now.

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Bleach 494 spoilers is not avaliable yet, we will update it as soon as it comes out!!!


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